Hack your 40s ageing symptoms

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Every Tuesday I bring ideas to become more productive at work by using simple health hacks. This Tuesday you will know how to hack your 40s ageing symptoms.

#Healthhacks #10

Ageing symptoms elicits mixed emotions. Who wants to welcome skin wrinkles, to face slower digestion rate and to bear stomach discomfort in 40s? If you overcome ageing in your 40s, You can easily control the symptoms of the 80s and beyond.

Stress, oxidative damage, bone diseases, diabetes, heart diseases are the most common diseases people meet in their 40s and up. Experts believe that eating foods rich in fibre and antioxidants help significantly in fighting our later age. Also, research study concludes that eating alkaline foods in this age helps in balancing the pH level of body fluids and key electrolytes. Alkalizing foods sources are fresh fruits and veggies, plant-based food, and unprocessed foods. These foods are known for cellular rejuvenation and for boosting longevity.

In this post, I would like to catch your attention to the power of blue. Try these research-backed foods which are known to lock the ageing symptoms. Their distinct nutrients will hack your ageing.

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  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are low in calories and are known for their astounding health benefits. This fruit is a perfect mix of fibres, vitamin K, vitamin C and electrolytes. Including a handful of blueberries in a day will improve your blood vessel function and improve memory. The presence of antioxidants in berries aids in healthy ageing.

2. Beet

Mountain of research studies back on Beet as an anti-ageing formula. Apart from being tagged as an anti-wrinkle agent, Beet also helps in smoothing the digestion rate of our body. The presence of nitrates in beet assists in lowering the blood pressure. Beetroot juice is suggested as an ergogenic drink for the ageing brain. From top to toe i.e from eyes to overall skin, look no further to eat beet.

3. Brinjal

The royal blue eggplant is a low-calorie vegetable loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoids. The presence of anthocyanin called Nasunin in brinjals helps in fighting free radical damage to the body. It protects cell membranes against oxidative stress.

Brinjals also contain flavonoids that help in keeping our heart healthy by reducing the cholesterol absorption rate. You would be amazed to know that the skin of brinjal contains such antioxidant that helps in reducing the risk of memory-related disorders as we age.

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