Corporate loneliness

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Every Tuesday I bring ideas to become more productive at work by using simple health hacks.

 #Healthhacks #6


Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response. It has been mentioned and long studied in various psychological literature. This emotion has gravely impacted the corporate world and has become a new epidemic. Furthermore, loneliness has a significant impact on work output, limiting performance and creativity, impairing reasoning and decision making.

Lonely employees tend to isolate themselves resulting in lesser involvement in their organization. Their colleagues find them more distant and less approachable in both work and matters related with their personal lives.

Modern technology is moderately slowing human interaction. We have less social life now. The stretched working hours, culture of presentism, working remotely are some of the major causes that have helped employees engrossed in their own world and unknowingly welcomed loneliness. 

It’s imperative to understand exactly how people experience loneliness in their workplace and how it affects their work productivity? How does it shape their relationships with colleagues and boss.


Here are some hacks to frame this challenge of isolation or loneliness at work. Hack your loneliness at work.


Re -energize workplace aura 

Think about any workplace and you assume the place with an organized layout, systematically arranged chairs and having a long silence. And of course, there is nothing wrong in it because offices are not conducive to social interaction. But, then no one can stop you from having fun in break time. 

Try changing the break-room layout and convert the space into an open bistro. Remove your boring cubicles and move out the group tables. Make fun games, play or sing in break time. Such participation will crush the loneliness inside you. 


Unmark your calendar

Other than your regular scheduled meetings and interdepartmental meetings, a surprised  & unplanned meeting or a conversation can bring miracles and indeed, breaks the loneliness at the workplace. If you haven’t tried it before, do it now. Even if you don’t have any agenda, form a group in zero hour and share or exchange your ideas and thoughts. Remember, a small step you will take to communicate will fade the loneliness inside you.


Reward your mindset 


You gain the sense of achievement by getting involved in some noble causes or volunteering for social work. This help triggers “love hormone” that is called Oxytocin which is known to be released by an increase in feelings of optimism, self-esteem and trust. 


Flow with company’s values 


Akin families, companies also run on some values and have a structured framework. Take the values to the core of your heart. Like parents inculcate good habits in children, employees too grow with the same values. Ask and share your opinion. Don’t fall but, flow with the idea. It’s wise to save yourself from arguing in workplace politics. This galvanises the loneliness and helps to grow. Companies through its culture and values therefore, should be fostered for the growth of  both employees and employers.


Pet therapy 

As the creator of the comic Peanuts, Charles Schulz said, “happiness is a warm puppy”. The touch therapy of animal-human interaction helps to combat loneliness and build happiness index.

A recent study from Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) reveals that 90 percent of employees in pet friendly workplaces feel highly connected to their company’s mission; fully engaged with their work; and willing to recommend their employer to others. Additionally, more than three times as many employees at pet friendly workplaces report a positive working relationship with their boss and co-workers, significantly more than those in non-pet friendly environments. 


Stop chanting ‘you will not understand’ mantra 


Judging others is not  right. Pre-judging is even bad. You feel lonely because of the fear that no one is going to understand your feeling. This psedu-oconfidence is indeed, helping your belief to not get involved. And this will make you stay with your belief as it is.

Create a group where you can meet some trustworthy colleagues. Share your opinions and thoughts by welcoming others ideas too. By intentionally creating such lanes will encourage employees to converge for thoughts sharing. This will boost connection and camaraderie.


Embrace the value of Community

Each community adds values to the society. Push yourself and become a part of external communities to learn. Identify groups with whom you feel like sharing and exchanging thoughts. You will learn and grow. Social media, undoubtedly can help to facilitate this. 

You can also jump further to pair up with another business ecosystem. This will give you an opportunity to meet diverse individuals and their thoughtful leadership. The entire process of embracing the values of distinct companies will revive your thought and help dwindles the loneliness in you.


Way ahead

Both employees and employers need to recognize the issue as it can damage employee engagement and their productivity. Companies who are able to find the right balance between technology and employee engagement will ultimately be successful in mitigating the solitary emotions of loneliness at the workplace.


Does your workplace engage you in any wellness promotion activity? 

Are you looking for any Healthhacks in particular? Do write back in the comments section, and I will hack it.

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