Hacks to stabilize blood sugar spikes

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#Healthhacks #9

Calorie count matters a lot in controlling blood sugar level but, food synergy matters, even more, when we talk about controlling sugar spikes in diabetes. Whatever carbohydrate we are taking in the diet has a direct effect on the rise of blood sugar. So, even if you are taking controlled food portion size in diet, it is the combination of foods that will ultimately control or elevate the blood sugar levels.

For example, at breakfast when you combine complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread or oats porridge with a healthy fat like avocado, it will not only help you to satiate well but also in maintaining your blood sugar levels.

Here are the food synergy hacks to stabilize your blood sugar spikes.

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  1. Cereal and lean protein combination in diet

Whole-grain bread has a lower glycemic load than processed and refined cereals, thereby resulting in slow blood sugar rise post meals. So, if you are planning to grab a sandwich today, be sure to make your sandwich with a lean protein like low-fat cottage cheese or yoghurt or low-sodium chicken breast, and load it with the veggies!

*Glycemic load of food determines how much amount of food, after eating raises your blood sugar.

2. Whole grain with veggies

If you haven’t tried sorghum, you may want to add it to your shopping cart after knowing this.

You will be happy to know that a 1/4 cup serving of whole-grain sorghum has 5 grams of filling protein and 3 grams of fibre per serving. And when you pair it with non-starchy veggies like zucchini, it will add additional fibre along with vitamins and minerals. This helps control blood sugar spikes.

Quinoa-chickpea-broccoli salad is another such food combination for lunch or dinner preparation.

3. Apple, peanut with a tinch of dark chocolate

The soluble fibre present in Apple helps lower the body cholesterol level. It also elongates the transit time of food digestion that means it delays the stomach emptying. Peanut butter, on the other hand, maintains a balance of protein and monounsaturated fat. This balance helps to deal with satiety and blood-sugar control. And, a sprinkling of dark chocolates will also help satiate you with healthy sweet craving without spiking blood sugar level.

4. Yoghurt and Oats

Yoghurt is the perfect trimix of protein, carbs, and fat. It is high in protein and calcium and relatively known low in carbs and saturated fat that makes it perfect to smack on. Topping yoghurt with some berries and oats or making a smoothie is a perfect eatfit for you. This high-protein, a high-fiber meal will keep your blood sugar maintained.

5. Fibre and protein

The combination of protein and fibre makes a perfect blend to satiate you without elevating the sugar peaks. Out of blood sugar spike fear, people start replacing meals with only salad and soup in order to take in fewer calories. However, this may trigger unwanted grabbing of snacks because of not being satiate enough.

In order to make it dense with healthy nutrients, add some lean proteins to that like adding tofu, eggs or lean chicken to your salad. Also, you can toss broccoli, red bell pepper salad with tofu, beans, grilled chicken or eggs.

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