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Every Tuesday morning I bring ideas to become more productive at work by using simple #HealthHacks.
#HealthHacks #2
As the temperature dips, drinking a glass of water is the last thing that hits your mind.
But, do you feel the dizziness and confusion or a muscle cramp, fatigue, frequent irritation in low temperature surroundings? All these symptoms are associated with winter dehydration.
Cold weather and prolonged working in cool environment causes a disconnect between the brain and kidneys. You ditch your brain signals and tend to eat. You don’t realise the need to hydrate your body rather than just storing in the empty calories.
Just because you don’t sweat in winter doesn’t mean you cannot be dehydrated.
You should believe that ‘’thirst’’ is not always a reliable early indicator of the body’s need for water.
Here are the hacks to combat the dip in the energy levels and to help sustain your momentum at workplace.
- Ditch your body weight
Hydration helps the body break down fats and converting them to energy more efficiently. Staying hydrated will also prevent your body from retaining fluids which can result in weight gain as well.
2. Monitor the color and volume of urine
The darker the color, the higher will be the level of dehydration. Keep a mental track of your urine volume. If the volume is less than usual, you are dehydrated and need to start drinking water.
3. Prefer water containing foods over caffeinated drinks
Although it’s extremely tempting to indulge in hot tea, coffee and alcohol during winters, both alcohol and caffeine may dehydrate your body.
Fruits with high water content such as strawberries, peaches, pineapple, oranges, cucumber, celery are great sources of water which helps you stay hydrated. Have soup, fruits, and vegetables, to increase your daily fluid intake.
4. Load up with Immuno boosters food
Eat gooseberry, oranges, blueberries, grapes, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, cucumber, black pepper, ginger, herbs, frequently to immuno-hydrate your body.
5. Bring in helpful beverages
Healthy beverages like lemon-ginger water, green tea, green coffee, herbal tea, turmeric drink, coconut water not only boosts immunity, but also keep you warm and sufficiently hydrated in cold months.
Neglecting water intake can bring prolonged or repeated bouts of dehydration that can cause urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even kidney failure.
Water is the magic elixir of winter life. Do you hydrate enough in cold or cool workplace?Does your workplace engage you in any wellness promotion activity?
Are you looking for any #HealthHacks in particular? Connect with me on smriti@fitgenix.in or write back in the comments section, and I will hack it.