Rewire your brain with Neurobics- Part II

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Every Tuesday I bring ideas to become more productive at work by using simple #HealthHacks.

#HealthHacks #4

This post is in continuation with my previous article on Neurobics. Make sure to bookmark this link and come back to it often each time you want more ideas for brain fitness.

Neurobics are the brain exercise that stimulates the neurons, prevents memory loss and brain atrophy.

An active brain is the best line of mental defence. Don’t you want to make your brain active? Of course, you do.

What aerobic exercises do for your heart and lung, Neurobic exercises do for your brain. Bobby Stojanoski, a research scientist in ‘’the Brain and Mind Institute’’ at Western University, Canada came out with a research study that says Neurobics has a significant role in cognitive development and it gained popularity by adding a new chapter in the corporate wellness culture.

From a consumer perspective, Stojanoski believes that if you hear a company or an advertisement saying do brain training, do this thing for half an hour and you’ll get a higher IQ— that’s very, very appealing and that really works.


Try these brain exercises during your downtime and see if you feel the difference.

1. Turn upside down and vice versa

Science says when you look at things right-side up, your left “verbal” brain quickly labels it and diverts the attention. And when they are upside down, the right brain networks kick in, trying to interpret the appearance and other features of the object. You become more innovative and creative by doing such activities.

2. Go louder

When we read aloud or listen to something, we use very different brain circuits than when we read it silently. Read some emails or draft or any book you want to read louder.

 3. Meet unfamiliar eatables

Give your brain a new experience to combine the senses altogether. Try eating unfamiliar food or drink something that you never had before. Going for healthy choices will add to health benefits.

4. Senses workout

Grab some coins and put them in your pocket, then reach in and feel them. Without looking study their sizes, textures and edges. While doing so try to figure out what each coin is when you think you guessed right to take it out and see how well you did. With this neurobic exercise, you are using your sense of touch.

5. Go against your choice

Everyone loves to applaud for their favourite team or players. Try praising and applauding for the seemingly week team or opposite team and find out where or what they are lacking. You will learn a lot. A boss can apply it with the non-performing employee at work.

6. Wake up to a different aroma

Try smelling a nice fragrance in the morning, something other than your usual coffee or tea. You can stimulate your sense of smell while also listening to music and engaging another sense.

When we do some simple tasks in a new way or by involving different senses, neurotrophin is released which is a natural growth hormone. This further enhances the fitness levels of your brain.



Does your workplace engage you in any wellness promotion activity?

Are you looking for any Healthhacks in particular? Do write back in the comments section, and I will hack it.

Those who wish to learn and understand it further, they can check out these relevant sources. Also, you can get creative and develop some brain exercise that works well for you and others.

  1. Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness – by Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin



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